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success stories

We wouldn't be doing this unless we know we have made an impact on people's lives and continue to do so.  We have provided with success stories and not so success stories.  It would be a bold lie to state that we have helped everyone. 


Our first hire was a brand new agent who started out part time.  This agent had never sold anything in his life and within 1 year he had completed 9 deals.  A few years later he earned over $200,000 in gross commission sales.  This person is dedicated, focused, and very passionate about real estate and his craft.  He is still with out team and has been promoted a few times.


This agent had tried to be an agent a few times before joining our team and had failed.  In her first month in our team she helped 4 families find homes.  She was taught to sell the right way, and in her first year with our team she had closed 17 deals.  


We hired an "experienced" agent who had done 4 deals  per year most of his career.  After a few years within the team, this agent never closed any more deals.  His ceiling was 4 to 6  deals a year.  We encouraged this person to find another team as we couldn't help him.  He refused to adapt and change his mindset.


An agent who was doing 16 deals in his previous team joins us, within 18 months, he completed 44 deals in one year and makes more money than he's ever made and has the family/work balance he always wanted. 


We have hired many agents and also parted ways with many others.  It would be a complete and bold lie to say that every agent that we ever hired was a complete success.  The truth is, life is messy, it's unpredictable, and things change for everyone.

Some of our most successful agents have come and gone, they thought life was easier alone, their production has gone down and now they have to pay for all the expenses all on their own.  We wished them well.  

Other agent who have joined us, weren't as successful as others because they are stuck with their old habits.  They refuse to commit to a better life, and therefore, their production suffers.

If you are an agent how is open minded, coach-able and dependable, we can help you, but only if you want to help yourself.  

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